What is Organized Crime?
Selam Gebretsion
Criminal Law Blog
Distinct from conventional crimes, “organized crime” involves committing a series of crimes by criminal groups. The offenses range from traditional piracy and the slave trade to present-day cybercrime and nuclear smuggling. The Italian Mafia, the Chinese Triads, the Colombian drug cartels, the Japan Yakuza and the Nigerian Criminal groups are examples of organized criminal groups.
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Extradition regime under The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
Selam Gebretsion
Criminal Law Blog
Globalization is easing border restrictions and increasing travel opportunities. Perpetrators use globalization to avoid prosecution and justice. This problem can be solved by creating international cooperation between countries' criminal justice systems. Among others, Extradition has been used in handling transnational criminal matters. Extradition denotes the process of request made by a state to transfer a fugitive from another for purpose of prosecution.
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Mutual Legal Assistance as an Anti-Corruption Mechanism
Selam Gebretsion
Criminal Law Blog
Unlike crimes like murder, theft and rape that are committed in one jurisdiction, corruption can take multiple jurisdictions. Hence, the fight against corruption is complex as it is supported by advanced technologies and confronted by jurisdiction barriers.
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The Hidden Side of Corruption
Selam Gebretsion
Criminal Law Blog
A Review of Williams and Beare in their article ‘The Business of Bribery: Globalisation, Economic Liberalisation, and the ‘Problem’ of Corruption’, present both sides of the story.
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